首页 > 新闻资讯 > 外贸干货 > 别人因外贸英语打退堂鼓,你靠这几句轻松入行!


所属分类:外贸干货 发布时间:2025.01.23


- “Hey there! Pleasure to meet you.” (你好,很高兴见到你)

- “Hello! Nice to get in touch with you. I'm [your name] from [your company].”(您好!很高兴与您联系。我是 [您的公司] 的 [您的名字]。)

- “Long time no talk! How are you?”(好久没联系啦!你最近怎么样?)

- “Hey there! I hope this message finds you in good spirits.”(嗨!希望这条消息能让你心情愉悦。)



- “We're thrilled to receive your inquiry. Great to hear from you.”(收到您的询盘,我们超开心!)

- “Based on the sample you provided, we've got some great product recommendations for you. Let me share the details.”(根据您提供的样品,我们为您准备了很棒的产品推荐。下面给您讲讲具体情况。)


- “To give you the most accurate quote, could you please share more details about the product specifications, like quantity, size, and any special requirements?”(为了给您最准确的报价,您能详细说说产品规格吗?比如数量、尺寸,还有特殊要求之类的。)


- “I totally understand you're looking for a good deal. But for this order, our profit margin is already super tight. We're offering a fair price considering the product quality and service.”(我完全理解您想拿到更优惠的价格。不过就这个订单而言,我们的利润空间已经很小了。综合产品质量和服务,这个价格真的很实在。)

- “Compare our offer with others in the market, and you'll find that we provide the best value for your money. Our products come with top - notch quality and after - sales support.”(和市场上其他报价比一比,您就会发现我们的产品性价比超高。而且我们还有优质的售后服务呢。)


- “The price is determined by the product's quality, features, and the value it brings to your business. Our product can help you stand out in the market and increase your profits in the long run.”(价格是由产品质量、特性以及它给您业务带来的价值决定的。我们的产品能帮您在市场中脱颖而出,长期来看还能增加您的利润呢。)


- “We've got a solid reputation in the industry. Many of our clients have been working with us for years because of our reliable products and services. You can check our references if you'd like.”(我们在行业内口碑很好。好多客户和我们合作了好多年,就因为我们产品靠谱、服务周到。您要是愿意,还能查看我们的客户推荐信。)

- “In case of any defective products, we'll take full responsibility. We'll either replace them immediately or offer a reasonable compensation based on the situation.”(要是产品有质量问题,我们负全责。我们会马上换货,或者根据情况提供合理补偿。)


- “Think about it. If you introduce this product to your market now, you'll be one of the first to catch this business opportunity. It could give you a big edge over your competitors in the coming months.”(想象一下,要是您现在把这款产品推向市场,就能率先抓住商机。接下来几个月,您就能在竞争中占据优势啦。)

- “For the fashion industry, being the first to introduce this trendy product will attract a large number of fashion - conscious customers, quickly increasing your brand awareness and market share.”可针对不同行业或客户群体,增加更具针对性的优势描述

- “I've sent you all the necessary information to help you make an informed decision. If you have any questions, I'm just a message or call away. Let's work together to make this happen.”(我给您发了做决策所需的所有信息。要是您有任何疑问,随时发消息或打电话给我。咱们一起努力,促成合作吧。)


- “I haven't heard back from you since my last message. May I know if you have had the opportunity to review our proposal?”(自上次发消息后,还没收到您的回复。请问您是否已有时间了解我们的方案?)


- “We've received your order and are on it right away. I'll keep a close eye on the production progress and update you regularly.”(我们已收到您的订单,马上就安排。我会密切关注生产进度,定期给您更新消息。)

- “Thank you for your payment! Your order will be shipped within 3 days. If you have any questions during this period, feel free to reach out.”(感谢您付款!您的订单会在3天内发货。这期间要是有任何问题,随时联系我们。)


- “How did everything go with your last order? Is there anything you particularly liked or any suggestions for improvement? Your feedback is super valuable to us.”(您上批订单的产品用得怎么样呀?有没有特别满意的地方,或者对我们有什么改进建议?您的反馈对我们很重要呢。)


- “How did everything go with your last order? Also, was the communication and cooperation process during this order smooth for you? Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.”


- “I heard you're planning a new product launch. That's exciting! How's it going so far? Do you need any support from our side?”(听说您在筹备新产品发布,太让人期待啦!目前进展如何?您这边需要我们提供什么支持吗?)


- “Thank you for your payment! Your order will be shipped within 3 days via DHL Express. This service usually ensures fast and reliable delivery, and you'll receive the tracking number shortly.”



眼见为实 马上体验