2021年前4月中美贸易额为1.44万亿元人民币,中国对美出口1.05万亿元,海上集装箱大幅度增加,运费涨达到7036美元,创历史新高! 中国贸易有多火爆,海上集装箱需求量是一个非常重要的指标,现在可以说是一箱难求,5月11日美国调查公司调查数据显示,2021年4月,中国发往美国海上集装箱约为99万个,同比增长46.5%,占亚洲运输量份额约60%,总体上来看,亚洲发往美国的海上集装箱需求量量约为166万个,同比增长32.1%,集装箱需求量连续10个月增长。 印度发往美国的海上集装箱增幅最大,为78%,但是印度疫情加速,预计印度海上集装箱需求量会大幅度下降,而印度的纺织品、药材和医药原材料等商品的出口将可能被中国取代,届时,中国海上集装箱需求量还将增加。 而,2021年前4月中美贸易总值为1.44万亿元人民币,出口1.05万亿元,进口3930亿元,出口远远大于进口,同比增长分别为49.3%和53.3%,出口和进口都是爆发式增长。
中美贸易爆发式增长导致海上集装箱价格一路上涨,没有办法,海上集装箱需求量太大了,一箱难求。国际船舶网5月7日公布数据显示,一周远东-美东的运价为每40英尺标箱的运费上涨617美元,涨幅9.6%,突破7000美元大关,为7036美元,创历史新高。 中美贸易火爆和拜登上台后美元大放水有关,也显示出中国商品的不可替代性,也说明美国产业空心化,美国除了买以外,自己还真的生产不出来,就算能生产出来,成品也很高,不划算。
In the first four months of 2021, sino-US trade volume was 1.44 trillion yuan, and China's export to the US was 1.05 trillion yuan. Maritime containers increased significantly, and freight rates rose to 7,036 DOLLARS, a record high! How popular Chinese trade, demand of container is a very important indicator, can be said to be a case of now is hard to find, on May 11, the U.S. company survey data show that in April 2021, China sent to the United States about 990000 sea container, year-on-year growth of 46.5%, about 60% of Asian traffic, overall, About 1.66 million containers were shipped from Asia to the United States, up 32.1% year on year, marking the 10th consecutive month of container demand growth. Shipments from India to the United States rose the most with a 78 percent increase, but demand from India is expected to fall sharply as the epidemic accelerates in the country, while Demand from China is expected to increase as Exports of textiles, medicines and medical raw materials from India are likely to be replaced by China. In the first four months of 2021, the total trade value between China and the US was 1.44 trillion yuan, exports were 1.05 trillion yuan, and imports were 393 billion yuan. Exports far outnumbered imports, with year-on-year growth of 49.3% and 53.3% respectively. Both exports and imports witnessed explosive growth.
The explosive growth of Sino-US trade has led to a rise in the price of maritime containers. There is no way out, because the demand for maritime containers is too large, it is hard to get one case. Data released by the International Shipping Network on May 7 showed that the freight rate of the Far East to the East of the United States rose $617, or 9.6%, to break the $7,000 mark and reach $7,036, a record high. The surge in China-Us trade has something to do with the flood of dollars after Joe Biden took office. It also shows the irreplaceability of Chinese goods and the hollowing out of THE US industry. Besides buying, the US cannot produce by itself, and even if it can produce, the products are very high and not cost-effective.