近日,江苏、广东、浙江等地推出限电措施的新闻刷爆了朋友圈,各类高耗能高污染的行业纷纷停产停工。 这并不是第一发生限电政策,但此次限电停产范围之大、时间之长,超出了很多人的预料。为何会出现这种情况?
尊敬的客户, 由于近期的“能耗双控”,我司产线的运营周期调整为“开x停x”,产能为正常情况下的xx。我们已竭尽全力确保订单的生产进度,但非常抱歉地通知您,您的订单交期将延期x天交付,最迟交付时间为x月x日。 您一直以来都是我司最重要的客户,所以在当前产能紧张的情况下,您的订单排在我们产线的首位。请您放心,我们一定会保质保量完成生产,将此次产能受限所带给您的影响降到最低。一旦本地电力供应紧张的形势缓解,我们的产能将立刻得到恢复。 我们将随时与您沟通订单进度。如果您有任何疑问,请联系我们,我们将第一时间响应。 感谢您一直以来的支持与理解!
Dear Customers,(改为客户名字) Due to the recent “dual control of energy consumption” policy of the Chinese government, our manufacturing operation has been adjusted to "run for * days and stop * days", and the production capacity is only half (根据实际情况修改)of that under normal conditions. We have tried our best to ensure the on-time production, but we are very sorry to inform you that the delivery of your order will be delayed by X days, and the latest delivery time is **. You have always been our company's most important customer. Therefore, your order will be processed first in our production line. Please rest assured that we will definitely complete the production with quality and quantity, and minimize the impact. Once the tight power supply is relieved, our production capacity will be restored immediately. We will keep in touch with you on the progress of the order. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We appreciate your continued support and understanding!
尊敬的客户, 也许您已经注意到近期“能耗双控”对部分制造企业的产能造成了一定影响。但请您放心,我司目前没有遇到产能受限的问题,产线运转一切正常,您的订单也将如期交货。 我们将与您保持沟通,随时更新生产进度。
Dear Customers,(改为客户名字) But please rest assured that our company has not encountered the problem of limited production capacity. Our production line is running normally, and your order will be delivered as scheduled. We will keep in touch with you so that you can keep abreast of our production progress.
尊敬的客户, 也许您已经注意到近期的“能耗双控”对部分制造企业的产能造成了一定影响,部分行业的订单交期不得不延迟。并且中国生态环境部办公厅已于9月发布了《重点区域2021-2022年秋冬季大气污染综合治理攻坚方案(征求意见稿)》,今年秋冬季节(2021年10月1日至2022年3月31日),部分行业将被重点关注,产能或将被进一步限制。 我们建议您尽早下订单,这样我们可以提前安排产线,从而保证您的订单能够如期交货。 如果您有任何疑问,请联系我们,我们将第一时间响应。
Dear Customer,(改为客户名字) Perhaps you have noticed that the recent “dual control of energy consumption” policy of the Chinese government has had a certain impact on the production capacity of some manufacturing companies, and the delivery of orders in some industries has to be delayed. In addition, the China Ministry of Ecology and Environment has issued the draft of "2021-2022 Autumn and Winter Action Plan for Air Pollution Management" in September. This autumn and winter (from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022), the production capacity in some industries may be further restricted. To mitigate the impact of these restrictions, we recommend that you place an order as soon as possible. We will arrange production in advance to ensure that your order can be delivered on time. If you have any questions, please contact us and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
建议大家都应及早做准备,并及时与客户沟通“交期延迟”问题。 |