01、产品介绍 1. This model of typewriter is efficient and endurable , economical and practical for middle school students. 此款打印机高效、耐用、经济,特别适合中学生使用。
2. The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact sized, energy saving and it’s also easy to learn and easy to operate. 我们生产的电脑以高品质、结构紧凑、节能、学习操作简易而著称。
3.They are not only as low-priced as other makers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects. 我们的产品不仅与同等产品一样价位低,而且在以下一些方面更具有先进之处。
4.You will get a 30% increasing production upon using this machine and also it allows one people to perform the task of three people. 使用这台机器可以使生产率提高 30%,同样也可以使三个人所做的工作,由一个人就可以完成。
5. This product will pay its own way in a year. 此机器可以维持使用一年。
02、业务范围介绍 1. We introduce ourselves as dealers in bicycles and spare parts. We have been in this line for over two decades. 我司为自行车及其配件的经销商,从事该行业20余年。
2. Our corporation is specialized in handling the export business of textiles. 我司致力于从事纺织品出口生意。
3. The main products our corporation deals in are electrical appliances. 我司从事的主要产品是电子产品。
4. Our company is mainly engaged in agricultural products. 我司主要致力于家业产品业务。
5. We specialize in the export of table-cloths. 我们主要从事台布出口业务。
03、承 诺 1. We assure you that such things will not happen again in our future deliveries. 我们保证这类事情在将来的交付中不再发生。
2. We’d like to avail ourselves this opportunity to assure you of our broad attention in handling your future order. 我们十分珍惜这次机会,保证在将来的订单中更加注意。
3. Our products are always good as the samples we send ,I can promise there will be not debasement of quality. 我们的产品一直如我们发给你的样品那样好,我能保证将不会降低质量。
4. I guarantee that there is no difference in quality between the products we send you next month and what’s samples you saw just now. 我保证在质量上,我们下月发给你的货物和刚才你看到的样品是一样的。
5. I can promise you that the product we send you will be of A-one quality. 我能保证我们将发给你的产品属于A级。
04、报 价 1. This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on or before 29,June. 我方接受以你方答复为准的报盘,但需在6月29日前到达。
2. If we can receive your order within the next 10 days, we will make you a firm order at the prices quoted. 如果我方能在10天内能接到你方订单,我方将按所报价格确定订单。
3. This offer is firm for 5 days. 该盘的有效期为5天。
4. The price we quoted is on FOB Shanghai bases instead of CIF Hongkong bases and our offer will be valid until August 31. 我方报价以上海离岸价而不是香港到岸价,我方报盘的有效期至8月31日。
5. We make you the offer subject to your apply reaching us not later than noon December 23. 我方接受以你方答复为准的报盘,但需不迟于12月23日中午到达。
05、不降价 1. I dare say that the price we offer compare favorably with any quotation you can obtain elsewhere. 与你从其它任何地方获得的报价相比,我敢说我们的报价是最合理的。
2. I’m afraid you won’t find another company who will give you a cheaper price than ours. 恐怕你不能从其它公司获得比我司更便宜的报价了。
3. What we give you is a good price. We don’t think it could be put any better. Take it or leave it, it’s up to you. 我们给你报了个好价格,我们不想再做任何让步,接受与否,你看着办吧。
4. If you compare the quality of our good with that of other country, you will see our price is very reasonable. 如果拿我们的产品质量与其它国家的相比,你会发现我们的价格是非常合理的。
5. The price we quote you for belts is much lower than that of last year’s. You must found it very competitive. 我们给你报的皮带的价格比去年低了许多,你一定会发现它是非常有竞争力的。
06、给予优惠 1. On order for 100 pieces or more we are allow a special discount for 1.5%. 订单为100件或更多,我们将给你1.5%的特别折扣。
2. A discount of 5% maybe allowed if the quantity for each specification is more than 1000 cents. 若每一规格的数量超过1000份的话,5%的折扣可能被允许。
3. For quantities if 500 units we can offer a discount of 15% on our price list. 如果订单数量为500套的话,我们可以在价格单基础上给予15%的折扣。
4. We are glad to make a 5% discount for a order of 100 dozen or more. 对于订单为100打或更多,我们乐意给予5%的折扣。
5. We should be please to allow you the requested discount of 5% ,if you will to raise your order to 50,000 pieces. 如果你将订单增加到50,000 件的话,我们乐意给你所要求的5%的折扣。
07、 让 步 1. We found we can make a step further provided that quantities will be no less 1,000,000 tons. 如果数量不少于1,000,000吨的话,我们发现我们可以做出让步。
2. To show our sincerity ,we are prepare to make you a special concession of 6%. 为表真诚,我们准备给你特别折扣。
3. After serious consideration we can accept your counter bid. 经过认真的考虑,我们能接受你的还盘。
4. Considering your substantial order we can give you this exceptionally treatment. 考虑到你的有效订单,我们对你做出特别对待。
5. Since it is the case ,we would exceptionally comply with your request by reducing our price to 500$ /piece. 既然是事实,我们例外答应你降到每台500美金的要求。
08、订货及确认 1. We can now confirm you the order for 500 bed sheets and pillow cases. 我们现在确认订购500套床垫和枕头。
2. We are glad to receive your order and confirm the acceptance for it. 我们很高兴接到你的订单且确认可以接受。
3. This is the confirmation of your order place last week. 这是上周你方订单的确认书。
4. This is our sales confirmation confirming your order No 26 of April 10th. 这是关于你方4月10日编号26的销售确认书。
5. We have booked your order No 2 for optical instruments. 我们已经登记你方的编号2光学仪器的订单。
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